Tuesday, April 26, 2016

School board agenda topics for Tuesday, April 26

Sorry for the late post—have been a little under the weather. Some of the items on tonight’s school board agenda:

We’ll discuss a proposed Integrated Pest Management policy that would govern the use of pesticides and herbicides on school grounds. Info here.

We’ll hear reports about the students’ Iowa Assessment scores and about the district’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.

We’ll hear a report on the results of the district’s survey of students about their experience of school, including a discussion of how we could improve in creating a more inclusive and equitable environment for students. Info here.

At our work session, we’ll continue our discussion of redistricting. Info here.

The full agendas are here and here. Feel free to chime in with comments about anything that catches your attention.


  1. Question about the walking versus busing schools summary for the May 10th board meeting. Are the attendance maps under consideration actually changing the number of buses or just concentrating the same number of buses (or more?) in fewer schools? Why not include the actual number of buses (required and discretionary) per school?

  2. Karen -- I asked that same question at the work session. I assume that some part of the effect is an actual reduction in busing -- we sure ought to get some busing reduction out of building a new school. But some part of it is also about directing all the buses we run to a smaller number of schools (which, granted, may create some efficiencies). I'd like to know just how it breaks down between the two effects, but I haven't seen an answer to that question yet.


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