Sunday, February 26, 2017

School board agenda for February 28

Some of the topics on the board’s agenda for this week:

We’ll review a draft of the certified budget for fiscal year 2017-18. More information here.

At the work session, we’ll discuss a possible resolution to express support for students from undocumented and immigrant families, and we’ll review how the district currently handles immigration-related issues.

We’ll also continue to discuss the district’s bond proposal, and we’ll review the recent history of the district’s attempts to determine the capacity of its school buildings. (There is quite a set of charts here (link fixed).)

We’ll also discuss the possibility of changing the elementary attendance zones in the North Corridor area, which will be necessary if the board chooses to build the new North Corridor elementary school in a different location that originally planned. (See this post.)

All that and more! Feel free to chime in with a comment about anything that catches your attention. The full agendas are here and here.


  1. Van Hemert's capacity report is missing info. Less than 10 years ago the district paid for a facilities assessment report from the Durrant Group that included capacity by building. What happened to this report? Shive-Hattery was involved too.

  2. I had a question about the student fees. I don't see a bunch of the fees at the high school level that were being charged last year.
    Such as: foreign language fee, science google fee, PLTW book fee, AP classes fees.

    Where did those fees go? Are they now absorbed into the higher textbook fee?

  3. Meant to say goggle fee not google above

  4. Looks like the district is overbuilding capacity if the bond passes. Why?


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