Monday, September 26, 2016

Board agenda for Tuesday, September 27

At this week’s board meeting, we’ll discuss (and hopefully settle) the question of how the district should handle voluntary transfers from one ICCSD school to another. Info here. Posts here and here.

We’ll also hear a presentation on the planned renovation of Longfellow Elementary, a report on the ACT scores of district students, and updates on (1) how the cuts to discretionary have affected traffic at drop-off and pick-up times at affected schools, and on other transportation issues, and (2) how the district is responding in the short term to the lack of air conditioning at some of our schools. (In the longer term, the district’s facilities master plan includes plans to air-condition all district schools.)

This is also our annual organizational meeting, so we’ll elect officers, appoint committee members, etc.

The full agenda is here; please chime in with a comment about anything that catches your attention.


  1. Prediction: Lynch Pres and Roesler VP.

  2. Please nominate or vote for someone other than Lynch and Kirschling

  3. What happened to the special education finance audit?

  4. Just wait until it is too cold to ride bikes and let kids walk.... Front St was backed up from Forevergreen to the pumpkin patch on a rainy day at Van Allen. People are also parking in the drive area at NCJH and picking their elementary kids up there.

  5. Time to start bidding out service contracts to save money per Phil which in turn could pay for more bussing. Not sure all consultants needed either. Thanks.

  6. How is the district paying for implicit bias training that got voted in tonight? Is there a grant? 20k per yr or 60k per yr? Thx Chris.

  7. Chris,

    Currently the transfers are not guaranteed and have to be applied on a yearly basis. Is this still the case for voluntary transfers on the secondary level--I couldn't find any language about this.

  8. To the guy posting as "UNKNONWN on September 27, 2016 at 4:25 PM" maybe people in N Liberty should stop telling parents to drive their kids to school and jam up the streets purposely to make traffic crams and make problems worse so they can make up complaints and report them to our school district to make things sound blown up. I heard people were being asked to drive and crowd the streets on purpose so complaints can be filed and bussing gripes will get noticed. Not smart. Don't make safety problems worse than they already are.

  9. Anonymous 2:17a

    Go to bed. Your drunk.

  10. Yeah, the Anonymous 2:17 AM post is so over the top insane that I didn't think anybody would truly believe it and take it seriously. Three really large schools (all within 2 miles of each other) on major traffic routes, with hundreds more parents now needing to drop kids off at school during peak morning commute times for getting to work, combined with many people avoiding Dubuque street like the plague due to major construction delays on the way in to the downtown Iowa City area is what combines to make traffic/child drop off lines a nightmare. No rational person would believe Anon 2:17 AM or needlessly subject themselves to those traffic jams!

  11. Were the 100 additional seats at Longfellow a change to the FMP?


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